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Writings by Dr. Kreiss

The intense experience of anxiety is one of the most challenging aspects of human psychology. The perception that danger is coming and the urge to protect ourselves is as intense as it gets for someone. Developing knowledge and abilities in order to effectively manage the experience of anxiety, brings tremendous relief and self-confidence.


In order to achieve this, a person must understand that the occurrence of anxiety is a natural reflex in our bodies. When the experience is misunderstood and mismanaged, "bad habits" are developed that actually make the experience of anxiety even more intense and difficult to manage.



The Psychology of Anger

  • When anger is reflexivly triggered in the brain-body system, an individual is "put" into an intense state of mind. There is an urge to respond to the situation by utilizing this intensity. The mind is encouraged by reflex to view others as "the enemy" and to teach them not "to mess with you". There is a sense that if one doesn't "stand up for themselves", then the other will "walk all over you".



    To enact Psychological Health, one must ALWAYS utilize impulse control to not be fooled by the intense urge to fight when angry (physically, verbally, "shut down", etc.). Training to not behaviorally enact anger", while developing a peaceful and effective strategy to manage the internal internal sensations and thoughts involved is the discipline involved in managing anger.


For Those Who are Seeking

If you are seeking to obtain material things, a partner, a family, wealth, celebrity, beauty… you have come to the wrong place. If you have come seeking treatment for a medical problem or instructions on how to change the behavior of someone else… I will be of no use to you.


I am a clinical psychologist.


I can only teach you how to peacefully navigate the realities of your internal psychological life and how to best make decisions in order to respond to the realities of your surroundings. You can only control certain aspects of you. Nothing more. By taking responsibility to manage the things you can control in an effective and peaceful manner, you are well on your way to maximizing your life satisfaction.

Meditate During All Waking Hours

For the most part, people who have attempted to meditate find the practice relaxing and pleasant. But what’s the point? Since “real life” is not as peaceful as the quiet, incense-infused, tranquil space of meditation, what is actually being accomplished by sitting in a funny position for 10 minutes?


While many people misunderstand meditation as a temporary escape from reality, a place to “forget all their worries”, this is NOT the point of meditation at all.


For the purpose of clinical psychology, the point of meditation is to develop and practice an approach

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